Fulfilling orders Through API Using Postman
- Use the below vendor link and replace the token at the end of the link with respective vendor link token.
- https://autofulfillapp.estoreautomate.com/update_tracking_numbers.json?token=aJq8Mn5UcFZ47aP5nQxevAGp
- Post the link in Postman and replace the token.
Once the data is entered correctly, click the send button to reflect the tracking number and the tracking company in the vendor link.
You can see the result in postman, whether the entered tracking numbers and tracking company are updated successfully in the Auto Fulfill vendor link. Find the below screenshot for reference.
- Result: The tracking number and company entered in the postman can be seen in the vendor link, below is the screenshot of the vendor link.
Shopify orders can be fulfilled by vendors using API from Auto Fulfill. Some vendors will be having their own system of fulfilling orders, In such case, Auto Fulfill API will help them fulfill the orders.
Note: This documentation is useful for those using Postman HTTP client, the JSON data inside the body is case sensitive.
Sample Data:
"Tracking number": "ABCD256",
"Tracking company": "Test",
"Order id":1351208271974,
"Lineitem id":2919932231782
"Tracking number": "ABDE46",
"Tracking company": "Test",
"Order id":1351214399590,
"Lineitem id":2919943143526